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Being the right hire

"A successful marriage isn't about finding the right person, its about being the right person".

Does this apply to work as well?   I think it does, so to paraphrase the above:

 "A successful career isn't about finding the right company or position, its about being the right hire".

What is being the right hire?

It certainly isn't being the martyr who does all the work nobody else wants to do.   Its more around embracing the role, and looking at where you can add value to the company by doing it better.   In addition, its taking pride in what you do, and enjoying it.  The enjoyment is infectious, in the best possible way.

It is also key to understand the bigger picture of your job, and where it touches others, and ensuring that you have a positive influence at every level.

So many people work well, but limit themselves to what is immediately relevant to them, not realising that a 10 minute delay on their side might mean that somebody else is set back 20 minutes, with an ongoing knock on effect for the whole day.

Very few people take the time to do an impact study on their jobs, and fully appreciate how their output affects the people they work with, as well as other stakeholders, including customers.

If you want to be the right person, take the extra steps:

  • Confirm the minimum required output for success, deliver more
  • Understand the supply chain around your position
    • Who supplies you with work
    • Who you supply
    • Where the touch points are
    • What causes pain in other departments if you can't deliver timeously and efficiently
  • Create a positive environment around you, add work energy to your surroundings
  • Study and research your role both internally and externally
  • Work closely with a mentor, if possible, otherwise find a great role model and learn by observation

Links, Notes and References


Thank you for reading Teryl@Work.   Should you wish to use any of the material, please acknowledge this blog as the source.


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